6월, 2022의 게시물 표시

Super Keno Jackpot Hits Half a Million!

Super Keno Jackpot Hits Half a Million! The Super Keno Jackpot at the Golden Gate casino in downtown Reno has just hit $500,000! This is great news for the casino and its players, as the jackpot will be sure to draw in more players and increase gaming excitement. Keno is a popular casino game that is similar to both bingo and lottery. It is played with a grid of 80 numbers, and players must choose 20 of those numbers to form their ticket. Prizes are then awarded based on how many of the player's chosen numbers match those drawn by the casino. The Super Keno Jackpot is available at all Reno casinos, and starts at $100,000. It increases by $5,000 every time it is not won, so it's no surprise that it has now reached such a high amount. Players who are interested in winning this massive jackpot should head to the Golden Gate casino soon – it could be your lucky day! Super Keno Now Available Online Keno is one of the oldest and most popular casino games in the world. Nam